What does a Research Librarian know how to do?

Research Librarians are worth their weight in gold, esp. for doctoral students seeking scholarly and recent literature pertaining to their research topic. Research Librarians are experts in their field by knowing where and how to find relevant articles available online and offline.

Higher education students require a significant amount of recent (within 5 years), scholarly (peer-reviewed), and relevant articles and sources for the literature review that informs and supports topic development - including the problem, gap, and to justify the need for research. When students have difficulty locating the needed literature, Librarians provide an essential service - much like dissertation coaches, research methodologists, statisticians, and editors.

As a doctoral dissertation chair/advisor, professor, and coach I often refer students to the university’s Librarian to determine whether and how literature can be located. However, if the research topic is too narrow or too broad, then located the optimal number of acceptable sources my not be possible. In such cases, Librarians - along with the students Chair/Advisor can assist with adjusting the topic, as needed.

Click https://amzn.to/2SE1hQ0 to order Writing the Literature Review: A Practical Guide

Interested in hiring a dissertation coach or editor? Contact Dr. Lonny today at help@mydissertation.coach, along with a copy of your current dissertation (if acailable) for an initial assessment and quote.


My Dissertation Coach offers doctoral students comprehensive dissertation coaching, consultation, expertise, and resources. Dr. Lonny focuses on the dissertation fundamentals, to serve doctoral level candidates towards successful fulfillment of their terminal degree through individualized 1-on-1 dissertation coaching/mentoring. Dr. Lawrence (Lonny) R. Ness has significant experience in successfully overseeing and guiding doctoral research candidates from topic selection to final dissertation oral defense, and all steps in-between. Click HERE for more information…


Dr. Lonny is a senior dissertation coach and chair with many years of experience at multiple online universities, as well as through personal consulting engagements, with over 80 graduated doctoral mentees.  Dr. Lonny is qualified to walk you through your doctoral journey once you’ve decided to take the plunge!  If interested, please complete the inquiry and/or contact form to let Dr. Lonny know that you would like to speak further about your desire to partner with a professional coach towards doctoral degree completion – or any phase/aspect of the process thereof.  Dr. Lonny can be reached directly via email at drness@dissertation101.com or help@mydissertation.coach