What makes a student become an ABD (All But Dissertation)?

ABD is simply a state or title towards fulfilling the PhD (doctorate) once all coursework is complete, but not yet having an approved dissertation/thesis.

Interpreting the question, the bigger concern may be “what factors cause students to remain at ABD status and not achieve their PhD?” For this, consider the following:

  • Money - Lack financial resources to complete degree

  • Time - Lack personal time for studies, or total time in program is exceeded

  • Career - Career changes may change the priority for obtaining a PhD

  • Relationships - Student lacks a support network from family or friends

  • Health - Student’s health may impact ability to complete degree

Source: Why a PhD?

Further, the lack of a solid (researchable) topic may lead to program delays - impacting both money and time. Topic selection early in the degree may be one of the most critical factors for success. For more on this see Dissertation Topic Selection: A Critical Choice Toward Doctoral Success or Failure

Finally, assignment or selection of a qualified Chair or Advisor is critical by ensuring that the student has someone who is (a) knowledgeable of the degree process; (b) able to guide the student through all aspects of the dissertation/thesis; and (c) provides timely and meaningful feedback.

I advise mentees and clients that ultimately, they are in control of their doctoral success or failure. Although some circumstances are unavoidable, when something is not going as planned (and they won’t), the student should take action to remedy, when possible. Staying in constant contact with the Chair/Advisor as well as establishing a support network can help in this regard. Working with a dissertation/thesis coach can also help students anticipate and remediate or bypass potential roadblocks or speed bumps along with doctoral journey.

Interested in hiring a dissertation coach or editor? Contact Dr. Lonny today at help@mydissertation.coach, along with a copy of your current dissertation (if acailable) for an initial assessment and quote.


My Dissertation Coach offers doctoral students comprehensive dissertation coaching, consultation, expertise, and resources. Dr. Lonny focuses on the dissertation fundamentals, to serve doctoral level candidates towards successful fulfillment of their terminal degree through individualized 1-on-1 dissertation coaching/mentoring. Dr. Lawrence (Lonny) R. Ness has significant experience in successfully overseeing and guiding doctoral research candidates from topic selection to final dissertation oral defense, and all steps in-between. Click HERE for more information…


Dr. Lonny is a senior dissertation coach and chair with many years of experience at multiple online universities, as well as through personal consulting engagements, with over 80 graduated doctoral mentees.  Dr. Lonny is qualified to walk you through your doctoral journey once you’ve decided to take the plunge!  If interested, please complete the inquiry and/or contact form to let Dr. Lonny know that you would like to speak further about your desire to partner with a professional coach towards doctoral degree completion – or any phase/aspect of the process thereof.  Dr. Lonny can be reached directly via email at drness@dissertation101.com or help@mydissertation.coach.