Dr. Lonny Presents…

Important concepts towards a “done” dissertation aNd doctoral success!


The importance of dissertation topic selection

Dr. Lonny addresses the construction and importance of dissertation topic selection.

Dr. Lonny explains the use of Likert-type ordinal data for parametric vs nonparametric testing. A common issue for many researchers applying the quantitative...

Dissertation Topic Development

Topic development consists of several interconnected elements, including the research problem, gap, purpose, and research questions. Dr. Lonny provides a high-level overview of topic development and alignment in this video.


The Doctoral Journey: The Road to OZ

The doctoral journey is a new, and often, daunting experience for students. Much like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, students find themselves in an unknown environment, with people they don’t know, who may seem odd, and are told to proceed in a direction that they’ve never traveled to a place they’ve never been. Sound familiar? Dr. Lonny discusses the importance of working with experienced guides on this important journey ahead.